We have now developed the world first and fully configurable Process-Control-System
The main strategy of Cronus-PCS was over the years to develop and from 2022 to marked the unique variety of high-tech Process-Control-System (PCS) units for parallel drive of:
- Packed-Bed-SUBs (continuous-Perfusion-SUBs) from sister company ProlifeCell
- P-SUBs (semi-continuous-Perfusion-SUBs) from sister company PerfuseCell
- Advanced cultivation of batch-SUBs from sister company CerCell
- Drive unit for Air-Operated-Diaphragm-Positive-Displacement pumps from sister company PumpCell
Ultimo 2022 the last unit and hereby the entire platform is ready and possible to control via Lucullus software from SecureCell AG.

If possible also supply pharmaceutical industry end-users, contractors, OEM in general with creative, un-conventional and visionary customized Process-Control-System (PCS) components.
Cronus-PCS and Lucullus software also integrate the Levitronix centrifugal Single-Use-Pump drive units highly appropriate when integrated with CerCell Single-Use-Bioreactors.
All of the Cronus-PCS units are able to operate as stand-alone and/or as combined. Freedom to perform just one task avoiding investment in a complete PCS.
Cronus-PCS A/S and PerfuseCell A/S are daughters Stobbe Group.